What have I started?

Lucy Whitehead – out on parole from the jailhouse of French and Spanish literature degree. After two years of the neverending story of tutorials and essay crisis, I finally depart the shores of England for a year ‘lost in translation’ in la France and España. As I face the impending lack of essays (and thus lack of opportunities for procrastination), I must find another way of wasting my life. I begin this blog then with the intention of avoiding doing anything useful. Instead I will chronicle my ridiculous life and misunderstood cultural references. The misunderstood cultural references already occur in England so prepare yourself for an endless stream of ridiculously awkward moments.

At this point, I suppose the majority of y’all reading (most likely just myself) this post are thinking:


or maybe you’re thinking this:

If there is just one person out there who however has genuinely enjoyed reading this piece of merde, get ready. It’s only just begun..

L. x

Coming soon: Sevilla and my au pairing experience