Summer is here…

First of all, apologies as I realise it has been an eternity since my last post! You may have even forgotten this blog exists… But what have I been doing since then?

Well since then, my stint in France has sadly ended but I promise that this blog shall soon be updated with posts about more places I visited whilst there. In other news however, I should really update you all on my current location. I have just made the exciting move last week to the glorious city that is Barcelona. Luckily for me, I shall be here for 3 months doing an internship. Not so luckily for me, I shall be working full-time. Monday to Friday. 10 am – 7 pm. Ah well, time to embrace inner Judy:

Despite this, I have already been able to visit a small part of the city. I am in the fortunate position of working in an office on the beautiful Passeig de Gràcia. This seemingly endless street begins in the fashionable and quirky area of Gràcia and stretches all the way down to Plaça de Catalunya; the central point of the city. It can not only boast of being the city’s most expensive street but also of spectacular architecture.

My first, and most definitely superficial, impression of Barcelona has been wonder at the wealth of unique and beautiful architecture here. Almost every street in the city centre has some building that makes you stop in amazement. Although I love Madrid’s energy, Barcelona most definitely trumps it in terms of architectural wow. Consequently I feel as if this city has a more touristy feel than its old rival though this does not detract from the city’s charm in any way.

From Plaça de Catalunya, one can continue onto the famous street of La Rambla. Here there is the famous Mercat de la Boqueria. Here there are the splendours of Spanish jamón ibérico, pescaderías and fruterías. This is not one for you however if you are particularly hateful of strong smells or vast hoards of people. Even I found myself thinking:

La Rambla extends all the way down to the beautiful harbour Port Vell. From here you can walk towards La Barceloneta. This area of the city is home to the beach and as a result, it is always packed full of people. Sociopaths, beware.

I am already enjoying my time here and this is just the beginning of my stint. I will be visiting every corner of this city so I promise to share more about Barcelona soon!




La Fête des Lumières

Well I am most definitely the worst and least reliable blogger ever. I actually went to ‘La Fête des Lumières’ in December yet here is a blog post on it nearly four months later. Better late than never. This amazing festival takes place every year in the beautiful city of Lyon. I don’t think words can do it justice so check out some pictures from this year…


(Sur le pont d’) Avignon

So two weeks ago, I broke free from Languedoc-Roussillon with some other language assistants here to visit the spectacular city of Avignon in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. Having been slightly (and by slightly, I really mean completely in body and soul) obsessed with the song Sur le pont d’avignon since my French fun club days in primary school, I experienced complete euphoria at the prospect of visiting this heavenly city that certainly didn’t disappoint.

Avignon is very significant historically having been a papal centre during the Middle Ages for seven different popes. Another point of nostalgia for me (having studied the Crusades for my A Level history course) was seeing everywhere the names of Pope Urban V and Innocent VI. The sight of these names brought back all those lovely memories of learning about crusaders chopping each other’s balls off, medieval incest (Raymond & Eleanor of Aquitaine, you dirty things) and frankly being downright bastards in the name of God. It did make me wish I was studying History again. Those were the days…

Internal thought right now and one which I’m sure the majority reading are sharing:

But even if you’re not a massive history nerd like me, the Palais des Papes is spectacular. Even the floors are beautiful. The only issue is that an audio guide is necessary as there is not much information written down (however this is nowhere near as bad as the Alcazár in Sevilla – do not even get me started!). It’s also forbidden to take photos in the best rooms. So you can either comply or be sneaky when security’s not looking…


Chapelle Saint Martial (sneakily taken…) 


One of the frescos.


Chapelle Saint Jean 


In the chimney in le grand tinel and of course I had to say DIAGON ALLEY..

We also made it to the Pont d’Avignon (Pont Saint-Benézet). It was so windy though making dancing on the bridge a slightly difficult prospect! Advice: do not go if you wear a wig/toupee.. The view of the Rhône is gorgeous though. Also, listen to the original version of ‘Sur le pont d’Avignon’. Blissful nostalgia.

It was lovely to visit out-of-season, especially at this time with the Christmas market all set up. Without a doubt, one of my favourite and one of the most beautiful cities in this country, Avignon is a must-see.

L. x